Friday, May 13, 2005

Excuses, excuses...

File this one under "the dog ate my homework"--reasons why I did NOT post my travel blog yet and will not at least until tomorrow afternoon/evening:

1. I got lost in the mountain of stinky vacation laundry swallowing up my bedroom floor. I named it Jabba the Hut and looked for my gold bikini to put on and sit submissively beneath it, but JUST couldn't find it. DARN!
2. I was suffocated by the cat hair my furry feline spread all over the stairs and upstairs of my house while we were on vacation. (She left other presents too...but I won't get into that. See this for that lovely issue we have.)
3. I was in pina colada withdrawal from my vacation and it wasn't pretty folks. My Crystal Light Raspberry Tea just wasn't cutting it!
4. I had bunco tonight where I drank 3 full glasses of wine and still didn't get a buzz and didn't even hear any good gossip or jokes even though I stayed until 11 o'clock. Tonight, I wasn't the only square peg. Lame-city.
5. I was feeling the mounting stress of tomorrow, when I will be driving three rowdy 5-year-olds to downtown Houston to see the Aquarium as part of their end-of-school-field trip. (Yes, I have been screaming at Calgon to take me away all evening, if you must know!)

I promise, I will post the travel blog tomorrow. Actually, we left last Friday so I can do a day by day of our trip that way and really, really make you sick of hear about it by next week. HA!


Blogger Carol said...

Couldn't find your email address, but wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your comment about my son, Harrison. I am looking at other options besides regular Kindergarten, too. Thank you for your insight and input. Much appreciated!!!! Look forward to reading your site.

11:13 AM, May 13, 2005  
Blogger Crazy MomCat said...

Thanks, Carol! I hope you enjoy visiting the site and good luck with your son's school stuff!

11:51 PM, May 13, 2005  

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