Outwitted, outspooned
That's right. we were to write about the theme of "life," and someone else wrote about spoons. You know, the metal eating utensil? Yes, that one. Maybe I am "spoonist" or have a "fork or knife bias" or something. But, I don't get it.
I would feel disappointed about losing to a utensil, except for the fact that I went over and read Lisa's entry--a beautiful and heartfelt post about childbirth through the eyes of a mom of three. Her writing is normally snarky and hysterical, so this serious turn was a surprise. It was amazing and very well written.
All puns aside, stop by Indigo Leaf and take a perusal. It is a great magazine with a phenomenal concept behind it. Last month, Christina did a brilliant piece that is well worth reading and there are some really interesting things out there. And, then stop off and read Lisa's entry. And, if your are needing something else to read, you know to tire your eyes for the evening, then come on back and read my submission on freedom. Good evening, all!!!
More recently though, two things in my life have changed, allowing me a glimpse of something very real, very exciting, and very attainable: my own freedom. To some, this very idea may sound crazy--this notion of being set free from yourself. But, to a person who has grown up a perfectionist, who has low body image and refuses to allow herself to rest or just take the time to be still, this is really monumental. For years, I have imprisoned myself to a lifetime on a treadmill at a pace at which I cannot continue or survive. And, I know now that I can jump off and the world will stay intact and my life will go on.
About a year ago I started a running program again. Health problems threatened to alter my life and running was the only way I knew to get back to taking care of myself. During my teen years, I ran cross country and long distance track for my school. I remember the painful and restless nights after a meet, my flat feet pounding and shins piercing with pain. I recall horrible blisters, stress fractures in both feet, and general exhaustion. Yet, I continued on with it. The 6 a.m. morning runs where our small group of girls were dumped out on old country dirt roads and expected to run back to the school in time to shower and get to our first class on time.
The other taste of freedom I have felt only happens when I am writing. I am able to block out the world and just be. I type frantically without thought to what is pouring onto the page with each tap of my fingers on the keyboard. Many times I lose track of time completely. But, most often, my best pieces seem to fly out of me as if they have been waiting so long to be released and opened up for all to see.
Through my writing, I have realized things that never come to me even when I try to focus and think things through. I have realized a self-confidence as well, knowing finally that I have found what I was meant to do in my life all along.
And we love reading your posts, so thank you for sharing your writings with us. if you feel the need to write a book, just let me know *wink* ;-)
I loved this. U Rock. :)
Well done!!
...sigh... lovely.
Thanks for so many images here. I get you and I really get this one I think, as someone who has also called herself a runner and then felt proud about doing it, guilty for presuming to say it out loud, and trapped by it, all simultaneously . I trained for and ran a 5 miler on Thanksgiving, thinking - I'm back in the game! Haven't run since that race. Doh! I need something new to train for...
I miss running. I had started back on that track and have been sidelined the past month due to the clumsy fall I took. Still using the cane, but hopefully I'll be running before the end of the year.
OMG. You're starting an Internet, anti-spoon firestorm! Woot.
This was a great entry. I think the magazine would have been better with several more stories on the theme- With your submission and Lisa's, the spoons theme would have been kind of cool and quirky. Why limit it when there's no cost to add a few more stories in?
But whatever. There are lots of places out there to submit. Hang in there and keep trying! :)
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