August's Perfect Post: A Nasty Phone Tale

For August's Perfect Post, I selected Karla at Karlababble for her post today entitled, Where can I get a 55-gallon drum of hand sanitizer? I've read Karla's blog for a long time now, and the woman can always manage to make me laugh aloud, even when she's simply ranting about a nasty-filthy phone at her office. If you asked me, that's a gift!
It's been a long hot freakin' month. A good laugh right here to cap it off was just what I needed. So, thanks, Karla! And, if you're looking for a chuckle, go check her out. And, if you enjoyed that, go visit her daily. You won't leave frowning, I'm sure!
The Perfect Post Awards are a way for other bloggers to nominate their favorite blog post of the month as a way to thank writers for their great work! Go check out all of this month's winners at Suburban Turmoil and Petroville.
Hey, I feel like I won an award! I'm on my way over to your house now to give my acceptance speech. Whip up some pancakes, will you? M'ungry.
Sorry I missed your "visit," Karla. I most certainly would have made you some cakes! Thanks for posting such a hilarious story too!
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