Thursday, November 01, 2007

Still reading...still appreciating...

Just as my blog posts are fewer and definitely further between, I've mellowed on my commenting and sometimes reading blogs for fun. Life has taken over and is running me here and there and I rarely have time to really sit and appreciate great writing like I used to.

But, tonight I could not sleep. I decided to enjoy clicking through Lindsay and Kimberly's Perfect Post Award links.

And, then I stumbled across this gem. It is a piece of art really, that's the only way to describe it. I was feeling melancholy and down for reasons I won't get into here, but this just lifted me up and made me want to write more. And, that cheering in the distance, my friends, is the sign of a great new blog being read and appreciated. I can see why it was nominated by more than one blogger for an award.




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