Monday, October 06, 2008

A BIG Reason Why No Matter How Much I Help, I Will NEVER Be a PTO Mom

Today, I missed all kinds of info because I was entertained at marvelling over our PTO events coordinator who has yet to appear at a meeting or any volunteer/school event in anything less than 3-inch spiked high heels complete with flawless and full make-up and usually short shorts or a short skirt. Seriously, 3-inch heels, people? I can't wear those even for special occasions, but traipsing around an elementary school? Are you kidding me?

I have such respect for moms like LadyBug who do so much for our schools, and I try to give my time in a more behind-the scenes way. But, today, as I realized I'd missed several important dates I should have been noting, it occurred to me that that this kind of distraction/observation is why I wouldn't be qualified to be a PTO president at any time in my future. Also, this could mean I may have ADD or something...I'm just sayin'...



Blogger Ladybug Crossing said...

I don't wear 3 inch heels - like ever. It's tennies or sandals for me (both of which are flat!) And you will certainly never catch me in a short skirt... Oh and the makeup - can't be bothered to wear it... As for missing dates - I'm a professional forgetter! So, MomCat... That was a nice try, but it's not working... you'd make a great PTO Mom.

8:57 PM, October 06, 2008  

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