Friday, September 26, 2008

An all time TOE low, and maybe just what I needed...

Last Sunday, my fourth toe on my left foot suffered a casualty when I rammed it into a chunk of concrete as I was carrying my groceries to the back of my car. And, when it hit, I knew it was broken. Why? Because if you know me at all, you know this toe stubbing thing isn't new. It is not uncommon for me to break a toe per year, or more. Such is the life of a klutz who enjoys toeless shoes, I suppose.

And, I cried when I did this in my car before I headed home. Not, because it hurt, even though it really did hurt. But, it was mainly because I was just getting back on track with my workouts thanks to Hurricane Ike and the power outages. I've had family staying with me since then for that reason as well, and I'd managed to work out hard three out of the past four days when the toe debacle happened. I also knew I've gained about 3 pounds since Ike, because of the aforementioned situation too. And, it just felt like someone up there was having a laugh at my expense. As if someone was saying, "Oh, you thought you were getting it together, did you? Mwah, ha, HA--now deal with THIS!"

So, I've hobbled my way through the week and through a jewelry party I hosted Wednesday night. Through errands and running after kids, I've gimped along hoping it will improve soon. And, today I am able to put full weight on it, so I'm getting closer. But, even as I sit here there's a dull pain shooting through my foot. Gah!

Then, last night I got an email from my diabetes doctor's office that I almost deleted thinking it was spam. Once I read it fully though, I discovered it was actually a request to join a weight loss program through the doctors office that would actually PAY me if I reached my goal. The program would offer direct counseling with dieticians and my doctor, 6 months group training classes and support group meetings weekly and much more. I would pay in a couple hundred dollars, but would get that back and get more than 500 dollars back if I reached a goal of losing 10 percent.

Dude, 10 percent isn't THAT much. I've lost that with Weight Watchers how many times before? (Yes, I've done Weight Watchers more than once...ha!)

So, is this the key? Being PAID to lose weight? Maybe, just maybe it is. Maybe all I was waiting for was for someone to wave a check at me and say, "Go for it, chubby!" The truth will be told, in the end, I suppose. I have to call my insurance, find out if these support meetings are something I can even make with my crazy schedule, and see if this is even possible.

Maybe whoever threw this toe thing at me is now throwing me a bone? Stranger things have happened!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Owwww!!! But that's awesome about the program your doctor is offering!! I hope it works out.

3:19 PM, September 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why not get paid for what you were going to do anyway and the extra support may just help when you feel a bit down about it all. Lots of luck to you.

11:58 AM, September 27, 2008  
Blogger Crazy MomCat said...

I know! That's what I'm thinking. Can't wait to see if this will work out!

12:38 PM, September 27, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think you should go for it, too, and good luck!

8:49 AM, September 28, 2008  

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