Tuesday, February 15, 2005

My Kind of V-Day

So, in my nightly reading of my favorite blogs, I've seen a listing of what everyone did for Valentines, ranging from the fabulously romantic/exotic to the downright raunchy. (I can't EVEN believe the things some people SHARE!) It is interesting reading, to say the least.

But, as someone who has been married for almost 13 years, and together with my husband for more than 15 years, I tend to lean toward the more practical. This year, we'd had a lot going on, sleep deprivation, and I've got weekend plans that will take me out of town and away from my family for more than two days. So, the thought of finding a sitter, making reservations somewhere WAY ahead, deciding what to do, etc...well, quite honestly it exhausted me. My hubby and I can't even stop our crazy lives long enough to plan our spring/summer vacation, let alone a romantic evening right now!

Well, I'm happy to report that V-day actually turned out quite well and even romantic, at least by my standards. I have never been the type who expects a big whoo-ha on days like this. Usually, it's dinner at a nicer place and a movie, a nice card and maybe some flowers. But, this year, I have to say we did less and I enjoyed it more.

It may sound mundane and silly to my single friends who go out a lot, or to those who get really extravagant for romance, but I had the best time just throwing some steaks on the grill, having a chocolatey dessert and then getting the kids to bed early enough to enjoy watching "The Bachelor" and "Super Nanny" with my husband! That's literally what we did. And it was WONDERFUL! And, because the kids got to sleep early, well we had nice quiet and romantic time for us that we don't normally get during our crazy weeks. I couldn't have asked for more.

Hope your Valentines' turned out just as you wanted/needed it to as well!



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