Thursday, March 31, 2005

Halfway to the Goal

Well, tonight was my 5th run with my running program, which marks the halfway point. (Technically, it was my 4th run, since I missed last week with my sore knee.) I was very nervous, having missed our first stab at a two-mile run last time. I was afraid I'd either be dead last or puking on the sidelines, but I ended up where I always am, in the middle. (Funny, that middle-ground could describe lots of things in my life, now that I think about it--sports abilities, political beliefs, etc..)

The good news was, my running buddy decided to run a bit slower tonight because she really struggled last week. So, it worked out well with my needing to start off slower with testing out my knee. I only worked out twice, instead of the 4 runs they tell you to do a week. After tonight, I decided that running every other day might be best with my feet/knee issues.

So, as I sit here and type, my shins and feet are aching, but the rest of me feels so alive. I was commenting to my running coach, I can't believe how you forget (even as you're running each time), how good you feel even five minutes after a long run. And that high stays with you for hours later. I feel like even my BLOOD is flowing more productively, as crazy as that sounds!

So, I'm halfway to my goal. I just really hope my knee holds out for it all. I really am looking forward to the 5K. It will feel good to run it as best I can and have my family waiting at the end to cheer me on.

My goal of losing weight seems to have not happened so far, as I'm the same weight as I was before. (However, my body is getting toned, and it is visible to me at least.) But, now that I'm into this, that doesn't even seem to matter anymore. In fact, now that I think about it, since I have started this program, my weight/food obsessing has really almost gone away. I am just a happier person and I focus less on my waistline and feeling negative. (And, I'm sure my email friends who usually get my weight-fixated emails are happy about this too!)

So, regardless of the outcome, I am happy I did this. And I'm on the right track now at least.

That's going to be it for tonight. My daughter, who refused to go to bed until 10 p.m. tonight, is screaming. Screaming is a new thing for her. I'll have to write more about it soon. Let me just tease you with this--my darling, adorably cute, almost 1-year-old is already having the tantrums of a two year old, she's fully walking, and when she is really, really happy--well, she lets out a nice blood-curdling scream. The kind of scream that makes people drop what they are doing and look around for who is being attacked by a large dog.

Hmm...maybe I don't need to run to get the blood flowing. All I need to do is just let her "let it rip" on a really happy day! More news soon...


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