Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Late Monday Meme

Got this on someone's blog and thought I'd post a late Monday Meme. Reply back with your answers or post it on your blog and share!

My name is: Stephanie (duh)

I may seem: very organized (but I'm not actually)

People who know me think: lately--that I'm way too hormonal; typically--I'm a loyal friend.

If you knew me you'd probably: be surprised by how messy my house can get when no one sees it

Sometimes I feel: like I will never learn to fully love and accept myself, warts and all

My days are pretty: busy--I over-schedule myself even when I'm not involved in organized activities. I need more down-time.

Yesterday: I had a damn hang-over and it was a BEAUTIFUL day to run, but I didn't. sigh.

In the morning I: Curse having to get up and fight it momentarily, then jump into full busy mode getting everyone ready.

I like to sleep: Period. I don't every sleep well and so, when I do, it is really GLORIOUS!

If I could be doing anything right now I would be: Yes, sleeping--of course!

Money: Is not a stress factor in my life, nor will I ever let it be. But, I sure wish we had a tad more so we could travel more and things like that.

One thing I don't have that I wish I did is: a great set of abs and (SERIOUSLY) a maid for my house twice a month!

One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: that ab flab, and flat feet

All you need is: "love...oh, love is all you need"...(damn song will be in my head now)

All I need is: to chill out and relax more... and access to Oprah's personal training staff and chefs

If I had one wish it would be: To lose the weight I need to be healthy and feel confident about myself again.

Love is: What is up with these questions! How sappy!

If I could see one person right now it would be: My Granna

Something I want but I don't really need is: a fully decorated and furnished house

I live for: watching my kids do incredible things & grow into their own personalities

I am afraid of: disappointing people I love

It makes me angry when: people back-stab and hurt other people for no other reason than their own insecurities

I dream about: I only remember my really bizarre stress dreams or scary ones unfortunately. They always involve random people from different time periods of my life and involve some sort of racing or searching for something frantically.

I daydream about: decorating ideas for my house and yard, reaching my fitness/weight loss goals, and Matthew McConnehy playing the bongos naked (hehehe!)


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