Sunday, March 13, 2005

There is nothing worse...

There is really nothing worse than a sick baby in your arms. Natalie has some kind of bug and has thrown up everything she's eaten for the past day or so. She was just in my arms crying and crying and can't tell me what is wrong and I can't fix it.

As a parent, this is really like torture. Even though it is hard when Ryan is sick, he can at least tell me his throat is hurting or he aches all over or something. Natalie was just crying and started kind of getting choked up. I panicked thinking she had something in her throat. No, she was fine.

It is probably just a sore throat. But, she can't tell me and I can't read her mind. Does she need tylenol or cough medicine? Should I be doing something different? How long can she go without eating much (because she throws it all up) before I need to be seriously concerned? And why does this always seem to happen ON A FREAKING SUNDAY when the doctor's office is closed! ARGH!

To me, there is nothing worse than this...


Blogger Lisabell said...

Is she doing better? I really hope so... you guys are in my thoughts...

4:08 PM, March 14, 2005  
Blogger Crazy MomCat said...

She's about the same. She can't eat or she throws up. We did get in to see a doctor and I was basically told it has to run its course and to keep her hydrated. So, my day has consisted of sitting and holding her because she cries if she's laid down. Ugh.

I did get a run in though and plan to update the site soon on my running club--I haven't had time but maybe I will after Wednesday's workout. Stay tuned!

8:34 PM, March 14, 2005  

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