Thursday, March 24, 2005

Now, with Super Leak Guard!

OK, I knew my blogging was getting way too serious and introspective, and it was only a matter of time until something bizarre happened. This is MY life we're talking about here, right?

So, my son had a neighbor friend over today. The two are known to get into things, but have never made too much trouble. After they managed to spill all the huge container of bubbles in the driveway, they decided to come in to change out of their swimsuits and get dried off to play. Soon after, I heard whispers upstairs and walked to the bottom stair to speak to them.

"Boys? Is everything OK? Need a hand?"
Immediately, the neighbor friend shouts in a panicked voice, "Don't COME UP HERE! We're just getting changed!"

And, my son added, "We're fine. We don't need you, Mom!"

Of course, I immediately knew SOMETHING was up and I was darn sure I was going to find out what. So, I gave them a minute. Then, I silently crept up the stairs to SEE what fine things they were doing.

As I walked into the sink area of the bathroom, I saw my son's friend quickly throw a puffy white object into my daughter's adjoining room. My son, looked down at his feet sheepishly.

"What ARE you guys doing?"

"Uh, nothing." (simultaneously)

"What is going on here?"


Then, I pulled my son aside and explained to him that I really didn't like sneaking around and lying and I needed to know what was going on. He looked at me with eyes, pleading me not to ask him again to tell me. But, I did.

"Well, we were just trying them on, Mom."

"What? What were you trying on?"

He glances down and only then did I noticed that his camouflage shorts, which are usually quite big on him, seemed much tighter. He pulled the zipper down some to reveal...

HIS SISTER'S BABY DIAPER put on over his own underwear but under his shorts!

I tried very hard not to fall down my stairs laughing hysterically.

"Why? Why did you do this? Why did you guys WANT to put on a baby diaper? You are big boys! Why would you DO that?"

"Well, I don't know, Mom. We just did."

Later, I called his friend's Mom (also a good friend of mine). Her response?

"Well, I guess it is better than finding them trying on girls' underwear." (pause)
"But, STILL, PLEASE don't tell anyone!"

So, yeah, I'm breaking that confidence by putting this out on a blog (which she doesn't know about anyway), and possibly risking future humiliation for my son. But this was just TOO HILARIOUS of a story to not tell!

Now, all day, I've had in my head that commercial..."Mommy, WOW! I'm a big kid now!"


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