What free time?

It started with my son's soccer team. We made the brave move to our school district's soccer league after many seasons at our local YMCA. Despite some horror stories and the possibility of two practices a week, my son wanted to try it and his skills seemed ready for some more challenges.
Then, came the phone call. He wasn't on the team we'd tried to get him on--the one with several of his friends. He was on another team filled with kids that we did not know at all. Oh, and there wasn't a coach. If a parent did not step forward to coach, my son was going to be out of a team this year for soccer. My husband tap danced around it for awhile, saying he'd be happy to assist if they could find anyone else. And, then he gave in. The man has played years of soccer and loves the sport. He's a big kid himself. He's going to be a great coach and our son is thrilled. His biggest fear, "What if I really love it and I end up doing this forever now?" (Honey, that should be my fear more than yours!)
Scratch off 1 night a week for practices and 1 half day a weekend for the games.
And, then, today...I get the call. No homeroom mom for my son's 1st grade class. The teacher is new to the school. They desperately need someone. Could I possibly do it?
Scratch off any free time I might have had on those days when my daughter is in her Mother's Day Out, as well as a few Fridays for school parties and coordination, and lots of quality time I could be blogging that I will spend emailing parents recruiting help. I couldn't say NO to this one for many reasons this year. My son is struggling in first grade, and his Dad and I are really worried. (This is for another blog post sometime...the news still a little raw for me and I'm emotional about it.)
Add to that the volunteering to help out once a month at my daughter's preschool, my needing to get a personal trainer and up my workouts during the week, and the fact that I'm behind on upteen million things, and my reasonable schedule is now booked up beyond belief. I find myself in that familiar place of being stressed and too busy to enjoy my life. GAH!
I think this some sort of gift I have, truly. I just haven't figured out the silver lining on my over-scheduling present yet. When I do, I'll be sure to let you know.
You don't need free time, do you?? The laundry and dishes can wait until Thanksgiving break, right?
Well, at least if you are the room mother, you'll get to see what's going on in your son's class. :-) You might not like what you see -- or you might love what you see. His struggles might not be of his own doing. Your presence in the classroom is necessary if only for this... I had the same sort of issue when LLB was in 2nd grade only the teacher didn't want anyone in the classroom. HAH! I got my rear in there once or twice a week. I saw. I reported. I got changes. This is a perfect opportunity for you to get your questions answered - even if you don't realize you have questions yet.
Let me know how it goes.
I hear you on the schedules, I feel like I'm never home anymore.
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I agree. I think being the room mom will be a great advantage for you to get an insight into what is really going on. Based on your observations you'll be better informed for when any decisions have to be made in the future.
As for soccer, your husband will love coaching! Besides if he's coaching you won't have to take your son to practice. ;-)
The silver lining is that you are now officially the "scheduling queen" and all must bow in your presence!
Good Luck! YOU CAN DO IT!
I run from those phone calls. (I sound awful, don't I?) I switched my daughter from one rec league to another last year because there was always a coach shortage. If I wanted to coach, I would have signed up. I hate that they wait until the last minute and then it's "if no one steps up then your kids won't get to play". That sounds like guilt ridden hogwash to me.
I'm sure your husband will be awesome...and hey, not you don't have to drive to all the practices! :)
Good luck being the room mother. I know you'll do a wonderful job!
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