Monday, April 11, 2005

Welcome to Barf-fest 2005!

I didn't get to join my Austin buddies for the annual SXSW festivities this year again...much to my music-loving dismay. But, here in our home, we're having our own sort of fanciful festival...and I've deemed it Barf-fest 2005.

You see, we survived the massive clean-ups for my daughter's 1st birthday, we lived through the crazy influx of family and the festivities, and we successfully completed the post party pick-up and then veg-out day. But, little did we know that our festivities were not over just yet. No, the real FUN was just beginning.

Then, yesterday afternoon, my husband decided to kick off the 'fest with his version of the toilet shuffle. The acoustics from our bathroom were quite impressive and the rest of us almost got sick just hearing his gut-wrenching puking go on. I was exhausted and not feeling great myself, but I held it together and did stuff with the kids. We assumed perhaps my hubby had food poisoning, although my digestion was definitely off as well.

Then, late last night, after my daughter pulled ANOTHER late-nighter for bedtime, I found myself visiting the Porcelain God and asking for his/her mercy. This went on several times during the night.

My kids, ironically, slept better than they have in months. There was no nightly cries of pacifiers lost, or emergency potty visits for the older one. There was dead silence. Had I not been violently ill, I could have really used that night to catch up on sleep.

But, alas, it was not in the cards. My body aches persisted until almost 4 in the morning, when I finally crashed. My husband and I are now playing tag team with the wee one, and thankfully have the other one off at preschool. We're hoping we don't get a call that he's barfed at school too. The odds of our kids getting it are quite high now.

So, stay posted for other performers at Barf-fest 2005. I had hoped to close the vomit show out myself, but we may have surprise performances to come. Happy germ-free days, my friends. I don't wish THIS on anyone!


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