Saturday, July 02, 2005

What's funny...

What's funny to an almost 6-year-old boy:

Son: Mom, I'm trying to write Happy Birthday on Simon's card. Will you spell it for me?

Mom: Sure, honey, here's the first word, H-A-P-P-Y. That's happy."
Son: Mom, did you just say P-P? (a slow giggle builds)
Mom: What?
Son: Did you just say P-P? (laughter begins)
(Mom returns a disapproving look to son's impish grin.)
Son: Mom, did you know there's pee-pee on Simon's birthday card? (uproarious laughter)
Son: There's a bathroom word in the middle of his card.
(mom rolls eyes and tries REALLY HARD not to laugh)

What's funny to Seriously Steph:
(While watching The Manchurian Candidate tonight, a scene with Denzel shows a rather large man who looks a lot like an overweight Elvis impersonator in the background on the phone.)

Husband: Whoa! Did you see that?

Steph: What?
Husband: That guy! That was some pair of MEAT CHOPS!"
Steph: Um...honey..are you sure you don't mean MUTTON chops?

Husband: Yeah, yeah, whatever...


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